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Hello everyone,


In the picture above my question is;

Why are that portion of rays passing above the first lens? and how can I fix the rays 


Thank you in advance,

Best regards

Hi Onder,

Assuming this is sequential mode, maybe the stop is in front of the lenses? And the semi-diameters fixed? OpticStudio fills the stop, but when rays miss a surface they are terminated. If that’s the case, you might want to choose another surface for the aperture stop.

If that’s not the case, is this sequential or non-sequential? What is the system aperture set to, and what surface is the stop?





Hi David,

Thank you for your response,

This is a sequential mode, my aperture set is defined as image space F/# and my stop is adjusted as a surface at the very back side which is not seen in the picture.

I draw a dummy surface at first to see the rays incoming, and when I take out this first dummy surface the weirdness clear out.
